Thursday, August 9, 2012

International Rock-a-billy Music Fest 2012

105 North Church St., Jackson, Tenn., Aug.9, 2012

The 2012 International Rock-A-Billy Music Festival is getting underway in downtown Jackson, Tennessee tonight.  I have attended several of these events over the years.  It is always a wonderful experience to see everyone enjoying great music in Jackson.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Elvis Fans

Graceland  (earlier this year)

I can't wait for all of the upcoming festivities at Graceland! Over the years I have enjoyed covering the events for the media as well as taking part in the 5K.  It is always great to meet new friends and visit with the old ones I have met over the years.  This year is really special and we are looking forward to having Lisa Marie so involved.  If  you have not had the opportunity to check out her latest music venture, take time, you won't be disappointed!  This is one of my pictures from my visit earlier this year. For a live cam update of Graceland right now, just click on the link below. You can also go to the calendar of upcoming events so you won't miss a single minute! 

Graceland calendar of events
Live Cam at Graceland